General Steps in Assessment

“Learning how to learn is one of life’s most important skills”

Norma Fauziyah

General Steps in Assessment

STEP 1: Initial Background Interview

We will have an initial meeting with parents only to discuss areas of concern and to allow us to ask questions about background history in greater detail. It is helpful to bring academic records (e.g. report cards - usually the final report card for each year; any previous assessment reports; achievement testing or relevant medical records). In this meeting, we will discuss the type of testing that will be done and explain the purpose of the testing, and how results will be communicated.

STEP 2: Formal Assessment

Testing with the student is typically divided over two separate days, with sessions of about 2 – 3 hours of length. Testing can be done over one full day for older students if requested, or for individuals with special circumstances (i.e. traveling long distances). In the case of a full-day assessment, we will take several rest and movement breaks throughout the day, and we will often ask parents to take the student away from our office for a lunch break.

Testing typically involves answering a variety of questions, doing some pencil & paper tasks and sometimes computerized testing. No preparation or studying for tests is required or expected. We ask that students come well-rested and bring glasses (if needed), and take regular medications on the scheduled testing days.

STEP 3: Teacher Information and Teacher and Parent Questionnaires

With parental permission, we will ask the student’s current teacher (or possibly a previous teacher who knows the student well) to complete a semi-structured interview form and questionnaires based on their observation of the student at school. In addition, we often ask parents to complete some questionnaires to provide us with additional information about the student in the home and community environments.

STEP 4: Scoring, Data Analysis & Report Writing

After the assessment has been completed and all background materials are received, we will write a formal report to summarize the assessment question, results, clinical impressions and recommendations. We typically devote several pages of the report to specific suggestions to address areas of concern.

STEP 5: Feedback Meeting

Once the assessment report has been prepared, you will be invited to return to discuss the assessment results and review the report and recommendations. We will have the opportunity to discuss specific concerns and suggestions for possible interventions to consider. After this meeting, you may always call us with any follow-up questions.



At additional costs, we can arrange to offer the following, optional steps to supplement our typical assessments:


It can sometimes be useful for the psychologist to go into the classroom and observe the student directly in the learning environment to help identify factors that may be contributing to learning challenges.


At parents’ request, we can make arrangements to join you in a school meeting (with the school’s permission) to act as a liaison to share the results, interpret them, and to engage in a discussion about ways to optimally support the student in light of assessment results.